AV 014

May 1, 2017

ALS Team Manager

Single Responder (Update)

As previously advised to members, the Union is in disagreement with Ambulance Victoria (AV) regarding the payment of ALS Team Manager Single Responders.

On 3 February the Union met with AV to discuss a proposed ALS Single Responder model to be deployed in 5 locations across the two Metropolitan Regions which followed a trial involving ALS Senior Team Managers (STM) in Melbourne and Barwon last year. During this meeting AV indicated that ALS STMs may be responded while on operational shifts including coming out of shifts on stretcher vehicles and responding from a Ford Territory as a Single Responder. This is in addition to the five locations mentioned above and would provide AV with a significant increase in frontline resources.

The Union has supported the initial trial conducted in 2016 by STMs and the implementation of the ALS ARU however have clarified its position that ALS STM (ARU) would have to be paid under a new classification in the same way that a MICA STM (SRU) is paid for all purposes. The Union agreed to the new ALS ARU model under this principle and AV subsequently provided the Union with rolled in rates of pay for all ALS ARU positions.

AV have since written to the Union stating that ALS STMs who single response will not be paid a new ARU rate of pay for all purpose as MICA STMs do. Instead ALS STMs will only receive ARU rate of pay if they are seconded to position or on a single shift basis. This creates a significant inequality between MICA STM SRU and ALS STM SRU. This is disappointing as the ALS ARU initiative was piloted by ALS STMs and was a success. ALS STM (ARU) members will now be worse off than they were when they piloted the trial.

The Union is aware of recent correspondence from AV titled OPERATIONAL STAFF ONLY COMMUNICATIONS – Single Responder Log on and Dispatch 7 April 2017 which directs available ALS Senior Team Managers to log on as an ARU. The Union has never agreed to ALS STMs being directed to work as ALS STM  (ARU). The Union has only agreed to trained ALS STMs who have chosen to take part, being utilised as an ARU. There is no ALS STM (ARU) classification in the AV Enterprise Agreement 2015.

This is a significant change to the role of ALS STMs which, unless agreed to by the Union, constitutes an extra claim and a breach of Clause 6 (No Extra Claims) of the Agreement.

The Union is hopeful of achieving a positive outcome for ALS STM’s but are prepared to prosecute this matter further in the Fair Work Commission if required. Until this matter is resolved the Union advises ALS STMs not to log themselves in as an ARU resource.

Steve McGhie
General Secretary