ALS Senior Team Manager Single Responding Trial – Update

On Friday 5 February, the Union met with Ambulance Victoria management to discuss concerns raised by members about the ALS Senior Team Manager Single Responding Trial.

AV have stated STM’s will be backed to all Priority 0 and 1 cases by the nearest backup. In the event of an STM being dispatched to a code 2 or 3 case where no back up is responded the case will be reviewed by both the DM/CSP and STM. The STM will not be required to attend the case if the following information is known about the case:

  • Violence/Assault/threatening behaviour
  • Mental Health/Psych
  • Weapons
  • Drugs/Alcohol
  • Patient transfers

AV have also agreed that STM’s will not be required to transport patients.

STM’s are to receive an allowance of $3.25, equivalent to that received by paramedics on the Paramedic Motorcycle Unit (PMU) for all hours worked for the duration of the trial including annual leave and overtime.

AV have also confirmed that STM’s will have the right to opt out of this trial if they choose not to take part.

The Union would like to hear ongoing feedback from members as this trial progresses. Please provide any feedback to or call 0419 383 152.

Danny Hill
Assistant Secretary

February 2016