Meeting Of Part Time Workers, Including FWA’s & Members Who Access Child Care

The AEA-V is calling a meeting of the Part Time Work Action Group and extends an invitation to all Part Time Workers; to all members on Flexible Work Arrangements; and to all members who access childcare.

Details of the meeting are:

Wednesday, 1st June 2016

10.30 am – 1.30 pm

At the

AEA-V Office,

117-131 Capel Street, North Melbourne 3051


  1. General Business
  2. Address by Placement Solutions.  Please refer to their flyer & nanny sharing info attached.

Final agenda will be confirmed on the day. If you wish to add an item to the agenda please: email: or Fax on 9235 7770 or Phone on 9235 7665.

Please confirm attendance via email or phone 9235 7665, for catering purposes. Also please advise of any special dietary requirements.

All interested members are strongly encouraged to attend.  Children are welcome to attend also.

Nanny Sharing Information
E-Flyer April 2016

Steve McGhie
General Secretary

May 2016