AV 035

August 2016

Enterprise Agreement: Voting Begins

Today, 08 August 2016, the ballot opened for the vote for the 2015 Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Agreement Variation.

Members will have the opportunity in the next two weeks to endorse the variation electronically via telephone or email.

If members experience any issues with the voting process they should contact Jason Skiba (Workplace Relations Strategy Lead) via 9840 3796 or jason.skiba@ambulance.vic.gov.au immediately.

The variation consolidates the work value outcomes and delivers paramedic members two 3% wage increases in April 2017 and 2018. Members not covered by the Work Value Case will receive 4.25% wage increases in April 2017 and 2018.

The Union believes that the Agreement variation provides industrial certainty to members and delivers significant wage increases.

The Union strongly encourages all members to vote YES.

Amanda Kaczmarek
Industrial Officer