AV 038

August 2016

Outcome of EA Vote

98.76% YES

Please find below results from the ballot on the AV Enterprise Agreement 2015 (Agreement) Variation:

Yes votes = 98.76%

No votes = 1.24%

This is a fantastic result with a record majority of Ambulance Victoria employees voting in favour of the Agreement.

The terms and conditions provided for in the variation of the Agreement will apply seven days after it is certified by the Fair Work Commission. Members will be informed when this occurs.

For paramedic and related classifications the next pay rise will apply from 01 December 2016.

For all non-paramedic members the next pay rise will be 4.25% on 30 April 2017.

The Union would like to extend its thanks to all the witnesses and members who worked tirelessly on the Work Value Case.

Members are to be congratulated on their efforts for the duration of the Code Red Campaign.

Amanda Kaczmarek
Industrial Officer