DHS Bulletin No 2 April 2016
re Paramedics Registration Project

This bulletin provides an update on the Paramedics Registration Project (the project). It also details upcoming consultation and the key contact for the project.

At their 8 April meeting in Perth, Health Ministers discussed action to date to implement their decision of 6 November 2015, to include paramedics in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS or the National Scheme) for the health professions.

Ministers noted the development of a project plan that anticipates registration for paramedics commencing in late 2018.

Ministers also noted that targeted consultation with stakeholders is underway. This consultation will help shape the legislative amendments required to be prepared and passed by mid-2017, to include paramedics as the 15th profession regulated under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (the National Law).

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