AV 045

December 2016

“How are you travelling” in 2017

AEAV Mental Health Support Forum

Throughout 2016, dozens of AEAV members have attended “How are you travelling” forums in Melbourne and Gippsland. The feedback from members has been extremely positive and as a result the forum will be continuing and hopefully expanding in 2017.

All AEAV members are invited to attend “How are you travelling”. The forum provides a safe and supportive environment for members to discuss issues they may be dealing with personally such as stress, depression, anxiety and PTSD.

The AEAV Executive would like to sincerely thank Alistair Briggs, Bernard Goss and Terry Staker for their efforts in running the forums this year. All of their work running the forums has been in their own time and without remuneration. We are incredibly grateful for their dedication and effective organisation of this challenging but beneficial initiative.

We would also like to thank BankVic who have been generously sponsoring the forum since it began. BankVic have been incredibly supportive of efforts to improve mental health support for our members.

The Union is looking forward to expanding “How are you travelling” into other parts of Victoria in 2017.

Danny Hill
Assistant Secretary