AV 002

January 20, 2017

Media reports regarding Barwon Paramedics

Members will be aware of reports in a number of media outlets regarding an investigation by the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) into a number of Ambulance Victoria Paramedics from the Barwon area.

The Union has been assisting a number of members from Barwon in disciplinary matters with AV which were finalised in recent weeks.

Due to legal reasons the Union is unable to comment on any details related to IBAC. However members are advised that a number of key points made in the media today are completely inaccurate.

No member involved in the Barwon matter that the Union has represented has resigned, been terminated or been disciplined by AV over the alleged misappropriation of AV medications or drug addiction as reported.

The Union looks forward to being able to properly inform members about these matters. However at this stage we encourage members not to draw conclusions based on media reports.

Danny Hill
Acting General Secretary