AV 046

November 2016

Research Project on Occupational Violence

La Trobe Rural Health School is conducting a research project to explore the Australian paramedics’ experience of occupational violence.

If you are an Ambulance Victoria employee and have an experience of occupational violence or aggression then La Trobe would like to invite you to participate in this project.

This project aims to provide context to the current state of occupational violence towards paramedics in Australia and to gain a greater understanding of occupational violence risk factors and opportunities for violence prevention.

Your participation in the current research project will involve an interview of approximately 45 – 60 minutes.  During the interview you will be asked questions about your story of occupational violence.  You will be asked to describe incident(s) you have experienced, any ensuing issues you wish to discuss and explore possible risk factors and opportunities for prevention.

The interview will be conducted at a time and place convenient to you, and may be conducted in person (where practical) or over the phone. An audio recording will be made of the interview and you would be given a transcript to review and approve.

Currently it is estimated that La Trobe will undertake 10 to 15 face-to-face interviews only, so please get in early to share your story.

Please note that your participation in this research project is entirely voluntary.  This project has received ethics approval by Science, Health & Engineering College Human Ethics Sub-Committee at La Trobe University (ref. no. S16-204).

If you would like further information such as a Plain Language Statement, have any queries or concerns or if you would like to express your interest in participating in an interview, please contact the Principal Researcher or Research Fellow:

Prof. Peter O’Meara
Chief Investigator
La Trobe Rural Health School
La Trobe University Bendigo Campus
Edwards Rd, Flora Hill VIC 3552
E: p.omeara@latrobe.edu.au
P: +61 3 5444 7870
Mr. Brodie Thomas
MAS Post Graduate StudentLa Trobe Rural Health School
La Trobe University Bendigo Campus
Edwards Rd, Flora Hill VIC 3552
E: b.thomas2@latrobe.edu.au

Thank you for considering this invitation.

Danny Hill
Acting General Secretary