After threatening to take AV to the Fair Work Commission for failure to honour terms of the current EA to reconvene the Alcohol and Other Drugs Working Group (AOD Group), AV agreed to consult with the AEAV/UWU and other interested parties their proposed changes to the Alcohol and Other Drugs policy.

Whilst the Union agrees with the changes to the AOD policy as they are consistent with those stated in Victorian public sector, the Union has made it clear that AV has failed to make any meaningful changes to the AOD procedure as per our recommendations made in our submission in April 2021.
Despite scientific evidence provided, AV are refusing to recognise the links between nonnegative AOD test results and exposure to drugs in the workplace, particularly ketamine. This failure to recognise genuine workplace hazards such as these, puts members in jeopardy whereby they could face termination of their employment due to an adverse AOD test result.
Upon universal outrage from AEAV and other parties, management has agreed to relay our position to the executive with the suggestion that a new group be formed and a clearer terms of reference is established to facilitate the attendance of subject matter experts.
If you would like to learn read out submission you can do so here.